2012年3月19日 星期一

信心回來了? 豪宅客開始出手

  • 3月北市頂級豪宅交易量能,有機會較2月成長逾兩成,不僅是連2月成長,更有機會創近2個月來新高。







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1 則留言:

  1. Last Tuesday the Dow Industrials popped firmly above 13,000, surpassing the peaks of mid-2011. Most remarkable is the stunning recovery of the Dow Industrials up 23.67 per cent from its 52-week low of 10,655 posted on Monday, Oct. 3, 2011.

    Dow 13000 also means a 90 per cent retracement of the losses sustained during the great 2007-2008 financial crisis.

    Quite a remarkable reward for the brave who elected to be invested, and quite a frustrating letdown for the bears who are still waiting for the double dip recession and the related test of the 2009 lows. The bears still argue that current stock prices are not sustainable because of the unresolved issues of the eurozone, the U.S. housing and employment problems and a slowing of the Chinese economy.

    Now according to the financial media it appears even bullish investors are beginning to question the ability of the Dow and most of the world bourses to hold at these lofty levels. Should they listen to the bears and cash in, or should they remain fully invested?

    The latest worry served up by the bears is the failure of the Dow Transportation average to “confirm” the recent new high posted by the Dow Industrial average.

    The bears are referring to one of the oldest and most highly regarded technical theories better known as “Dow Theory” which is a series of principles developed by Charles Dow.

    Often referred to as the godfather of technical analysis, Charles Henry Dow (Nov. 6, 1851 — Dec. 4, 1902) was an American journalist who co-founded Dow Jones & Company and The Wall Street Journal.

    Dow was the creator of the Dow Transportation Average (the rails, circa 1884) and a few years later created the Dow Industrial Average. Charles Dow then built his theory on the relationship between the industrials and the rails. Today these principles for understanding and analyzing market behaviour are acknowledged to be the groundwork for modern technical analysis.

    One Dow Theory principle is the averages must confirm one another. That means no important bull or bear market signal conveying a change in trend can be produced by one average alone because both Dow averages must extend above their previous secondary peak or fall below their previous secondary trough in order to confirm the onset of a new bull or bear market.

    This chart should help explain Dow's confirmation test.

    The upper plot is the daily closes of the Dow Industrials plotted above the closes of the Dow Transportations spanning about 100 days. The price peaks at (A) are the early February highs registered by both averages. The price peaks at (B) are the current highs registered by both averages. Clearly the recent price (B) of the upper plot is much higher than February peak at (A), while the recent price (B) of the lower plot is much lower than February peak at (A)

    But in the last 100 days, the peak prices haven’t borne the Dow Theory out.

    This non-confirmation or divergence between the two averages is what the bears are complaining about. They claim the Tuesday high in the Dow Industrials (the highest closing value since Dec. 31, 2007) to be a sucker rally because the Dow Transports did not “confirm” or follow the Dow to new recent highs.

    As a technical analyst I need to remind the bears of a little glitch in their Dow Theory analysis.

    Charles Dow did not say the two averages must confirm at the same time. In fact there can be considerable time (up to 13 weeks) separating the price action of the two averages. This time delay also serves up a major criticism of Dow Theory in that many of the buy and sell signals are late.

    A prudent strategy would be to give the Dow Transports some time to rally above that February peak of about 5,500. Another prudent strategy would be to worry if both averages were to decline below their respective February lows over the next few weeks.


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